Time again!

Yes, now it's time again to head to the gym! FEEL SO AWESOME GOOOOOOD.............!

I'm inlove

Yes I am indeed :)

Well, it's nothing serious but i find myself having thoughts on my idols! Everyone has some kind of Idol, right? Well, it's seems like I always has been fallowing some others Idols and never find which ones who are my true idols. Now I know!

It's for sure Rihanna, Angelina Jolie and Daughtry (I like the whole band, but Christ is just to damn looking!!!!). I've been thinking if I have the opportunity to meet my idols, how would I act? Well, if I met any of this three, I would freak out! Doing a song with Rihanna or a music video with Daughtry or do a movie with Angelina Jolie? I would so die!!!!


Who is your idol/s? What would you do if you met her/him/them?

A coffee by the river

After the awful English lessen, I toke a cup of my favorite coffee, Soya Latte with caramel. Well, I believe that Ulrika for sure would say - That's not coffee, lol ^^ No it might not but it's really good. I'm pretty glad I toke the wrong cup once. Otherwise, I wouldn't know about this one!

I met Julia down in Georgetown and we went to Starbucks so buy some thing to eat and also to drink. Panini sandwich, yogurt with honing and cereals and of course my Soya Latte with caramel ;)

We went down to the river and sat down buy the water. It just the most lovely place in DC. You can't really believe you are in a big city. You don't really hear the traffic, you don't really see so much people and yes, I just love the spirit there! 

The water is so beautiful, and the view over Arlington, and also the Kennedy center and so on. Well, it should be seen by everyone. I took some photos, maybe I can post someones tmrw :)

Julia, is a new girl from Austria and is really lovely. I really like her too. Well, I have to admit that I like all my girls here! I really do have the best time of my life! Being a Domestic Employee (Nanny, bbs, au pair) is a great opportunity to meet friends all over the world and even become the greatest friends. I still have contact with my friends from Switzerland, even to it wasn't the best time for me there.

It's not always the best friends from your home town that is gonna be in your life forever, but you do get to know the real friends when you are living your safe home and spread your wings to the unknown. I don't say that I don't like my friends back home in Sweden, I do indeed love them, but it turns out not being as many as I thought. It's true - True friends stays forever and friends comes and goes...!


English classes

Gah, the English classes? What can I say! IT WAS A DISASTER - Literally....! Even to I really just wanted to leave, I didn't really have to right to the teachers to do it! I know for sure, I ain't gonna go back there.

My host mom recommend to maybe take private lessons with Niina or just take does 8 weeks from 24 October cus' it's really nice to learn more English. Well, I'm writing in English now and I have indeed improved my English, which I love!

I'm proud and glad that I am Swedish but I just love speaking English more then Swedish, I don't really know why...


Well, I'm really tired, and I don't wish anything else then go to my bed and sleep! But I don't really can, because I'm still bbs! It very common when I put the kids to bed, that I fall asleep with them, and so I did tonight. I woke up at 11.20 and then went to the TV. For once, none of all the hundreds of channels, there aren't nothing to see!

Makes me go nuts!

ABC Check (12:53)

Yes, is it something that I really love, it's the ABC Check on my computer. Only one click you can correct any spelling mistakes but what is makes it the best for me, is that it can insert those letters I do not have on my new computer, you know, three letters. It's make it easier to read if you have them, at least in Swedish,) And I'm often way to lazy to use the special symbols, lol ^^

My weekend plans! (12:48)

Now that I have weekend off and all I might just have a couple of weekends left in the States, I really need to do the most of them and not only remain relaxing in my bed - even though it's so amazingly nice...!

This weekend will be nothing special. Well, today I'll go to my first English course which starts at 2 pm. I'm going there with Niina, then I'm gonna meet Julia and head to a Cafe down in Georgetown and sit by the river. It is the most beautiful place here for me. 

I thought that when my cold is gone and also the cough, it would be so nice to go out again and party with my friends, but no no! I'll have to take it a bit quiet. As many know, my foot is not the finest in the world (if it ever were, haha) My foot is really hard sprained and I can't really party with it, it's gonna be a calm evening with some movie. So when I can't go out, I can let some other have some fun - my host parents and also mini a's parents. Its after dark at the house of Sweden, the most lovely party thing here ever! (But well, next time it's my turn!) So on my evening night, I'm also gonna bbs, which is just fine for me :)

Tomorrow, it maybe will be picnic with the girls and I can't wait to it! Really believe it will be super fun.

Oh shiiit, the time has now run away from me - AGAIN! Need to jump in to the shower, then eat something fast since I'm going to go to LADO for English course.

Weekend! (12:45)

Is there anything better than weekends? I can hardly believe that, even though Wednesdays and Fridays are wonderful!

Many people think that I lie and sleep the whole day but the truth is that I just stays in my bed with my lap or read some book. I just love staying in my bed! I hear my host family on the first level, but I just hear their sounds and enjoy them. It's a really safe sound for me to hear them. Even though I don't listen to what they are doing or talking about, I let their sound join everything other sound around and just enjoy. The whole feeling is just : Yes, now it's weekend again.

However, I have a bad habit not get ready until twelve, even one two in the afternoon, but its the weekend - cus' the weekend is my time. It's so nice to not have any requirements on a weekend. You should just know how much I hate having to go up and do something early on a weekend, gah!

I just love the weekends!

Niina, lovely Niina!

Niina came earlier this evening, we were suppose to go down to Georgetown, but we got stuck at home, in front of computers!

Niina is going to NYC with her sisters in the end of October, so we were trying (well, I helped just a little in the beginning) to find motel, hotel, hostels, which they can stay at when day are there! It felt a bit impossible cus' one of her sisters are under 18. What kind of ages limit is that: 18 til 40??

But it's nice to have Niina over! It's always nice to spend time with her. She is special and I really like her a lot! A really true friend <3

Niina, I just love her hair! :)

Last episode of True Blood...

Yes now I've seen all the seasons of True Blood and it really sucks. I hope the third season is coming soon! Personally, I think probably the second season was slightly better then the first one! I've already been goggle after season 3 but without any results. I really hope that they will release the 3rd one soon, because I want to know what happens after the restaurant:O

I must admit that the funniest thing with the whole True Blood, is probably when they speak Swedish. Yes it's only Alexander (hmm, what should I call her?) friend (?) speaks Swedish and yeah, another - Alexander's creator too. So cute, but soooo short;)

It is a very special series, but I can't say that it's like any other series that I've seen ... It is similar to Twilight, but Twilight is of course entirely a saga for itself ...

Updating chess 2:03

I must admit that I lost the first time, but then I got revenge twice, so - I WON! I told you!

Now is the time to go home with the kids, do something fun and then starts the weekend, yes!

A day without school 9:45

Just in fact that I love Wednesdays, I do indeed love Friday:)

Today, I had the luxury to sleep in for an hour. I didn't begin until 9 o'clock! I dreamed a lot of strange things in the morning, totally weird actually!

When I started I noticed that perhaps it would be pretty good to leave the house so M could do some work in peace. So I took the kids and went to Ulrika and to Little a. It will be lunch and the whole thing - nice. It's a little bit easier to make the time pass by when the children can do things by them self. Also, I think it's a bit funny for them to come to an other house with other play things. 

After seeing them be with Little a,  I can def see them with a little sister o little brother. My A was so good with smaller kids!

Now it's time to play chess against Ulrika! I'm so gonna win ^ ^ Tell ya'll later

Good morning

It's a tired tomorrow, but I guess it's a pretty good one though! I'm pretty tired, I might go back to bed a little while and then go a mini - and bbs for him til two, half-past three:) It's always nice!

Nothing particularly is happening today. I probably babysitting tonight here. It fine:)

Easy dinner plans - macaroni with meatballs ^ ^ yummy ...!


Goodnight ya'll!

Super happy!

My entire day has been wonderful:)

First of all my new computer, as I told before, met Niina at Starbucks but the thing that's has make me super happy today is that I talked with Sam! Sam, my personal trainer. I talk about my situation and my maybe sounded a little bit desperate, to start exercising again, but as I said, I should probably take it easy with my foot! But we decided to meet at the gym on Monday at half past seven :) We're gonna look at my foot, how to upload my training schedule and diet;) Ugh, I look like a pig, haha!

Barely four months left (although I actually believe I can stay until the summer ^^) and it's now time to workout like hell and the money will fly. It is now I can get a kick start and if I have to go home to Sweden, I'll certainly continue with my workout. I know my goal and how I can get it! Now I also have something to contend with also, my sister's wedding! So glad that she got engaged. I hope that they will choose a date for the wedding. I think Veronica is a bit religious and will get married within a year after the engagement, so say a year from now to become the second most beautiful in her wedding;)

What is the best available in life?
To smile - LARGE
(and of course music)


You can say that my foot has it ^ ^ haha, my foot is so ugly that you can only laugh at it! It has probably different colors, blue to green to purple to black (which Niina said and I was totally surprised!). I do not feel so much pain anymore, but what can you expect with bruises all over your foot. I feel the bruises, for sure! The strangest thing of it all, is that I have bruising on both sides, hmm?!

On this side it 'should' be colorful!
(Can you see the faces on the leg?)

But this party I can not understand: S

My left foot is swollen ..!


Should I sleep with bandages or should I let the foot traveled through night?

My new Notebook

Now I have my new computer and I love it ^ ^ It's, however, American laptop but it will not really infeact this site;) I could instrallerat got it for $ 50 but I felt that it was not really appropriate!

My Notebook is so small and comfortable :) Love it!

It is a white Toshiba

My new love <3

My little foot!

Yes it is improving with my sprain, though it still hurts a bit and it's very blue / green. Not so pretty! I think it's really improving now when I have the bandage. I take it off sometimes, to have it a bit freely, maybe can take some pictures tomorrow:)

I may enjoy that I'm going to buy a computer tomorrow, and it will be a white one, wie!

Soon it will be bedtime!

True Blood

The "new" series, which everyone talks about, yes, more or less. It is a very special series, if I may say so. It is well, special. It's not like other series but pretty good. Since I have got used to not have subtitle, cus' you don't need it here so I'm used to just listen, but suddenly there is subtitles in the series and I was totally surprised. What language are they speak? Swedish! What ..! How fucking nice isn't that?
Here is a the series about vampires who tries to enter the society and you think they are going to talk something invented language or really old language that you do not understand anymore, but no. They speak Swedish. Haha, I am a proud Swedish:)

Something with the series that might disturb me somewhat - it's very sex fixated! Is it a Swedish producer perhaps? Haha .....

Do you see the series? What do you think about it?

Pain (Monday)

I can not understand that the pain can be so PAINFUL! sigh, it can really hurt and I can't even take on the foot!I can at least walk on it, but I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible ...

Well, soon its time to pick up the kids so it's time to change my cosy clothes to a bit nicer clothes;)

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