A coffee by the river

After the awful English lessen, I toke a cup of my favorite coffee, Soya Latte with caramel. Well, I believe that Ulrika for sure would say - That's not coffee, lol ^^ No it might not but it's really good. I'm pretty glad I toke the wrong cup once. Otherwise, I wouldn't know about this one!

I met Julia down in Georgetown and we went to Starbucks so buy some thing to eat and also to drink. Panini sandwich, yogurt with honing and cereals and of course my Soya Latte with caramel ;)

We went down to the river and sat down buy the water. It just the most lovely place in DC. You can't really believe you are in a big city. You don't really hear the traffic, you don't really see so much people and yes, I just love the spirit there! 

The water is so beautiful, and the view over Arlington, and also the Kennedy center and so on. Well, it should be seen by everyone. I took some photos, maybe I can post someones tmrw :)

Julia, is a new girl from Austria and is really lovely. I really like her too. Well, I have to admit that I like all my girls here! I really do have the best time of my life! Being a Domestic Employee (Nanny, bbs, au pair) is a great opportunity to meet friends all over the world and even become the greatest friends. I still have contact with my friends from Switzerland, even to it wasn't the best time for me there.

It's not always the best friends from your home town that is gonna be in your life forever, but you do get to know the real friends when you are living your safe home and spread your wings to the unknown. I don't say that I don't like my friends back home in Sweden, I do indeed love them, but it turns out not being as many as I thought. It's true - True friends stays forever and friends comes and goes...!



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