True Blood

The "new" series, which everyone talks about, yes, more or less. It is a very special series, if I may say so. It is well, special. It's not like other series but pretty good. Since I have got used to not have subtitle, cus' you don't need it here so I'm used to just listen, but suddenly there is subtitles in the series and I was totally surprised. What language are they speak? Swedish! What ..! How fucking nice isn't that?
Here is a the series about vampires who tries to enter the society and you think they are going to talk something invented language or really old language that you do not understand anymore, but no. They speak Swedish. Haha, I am a proud Swedish:)

Something with the series that might disturb me somewhat - it's very sex fixated! Is it a Swedish producer perhaps? Haha .....

Do you see the series? What do you think about it?


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