A day without school 9:45

Just in fact that I love Wednesdays, I do indeed love Friday:)

Today, I had the luxury to sleep in for an hour. I didn't begin until 9 o'clock! I dreamed a lot of strange things in the morning, totally weird actually!

When I started I noticed that perhaps it would be pretty good to leave the house so M could do some work in peace. So I took the kids and went to Ulrika and to Little a. It will be lunch and the whole thing - nice. It's a little bit easier to make the time pass by when the children can do things by them self. Also, I think it's a bit funny for them to come to an other house with other play things. 

After seeing them be with Little a,  I can def see them with a little sister o little brother. My A was so good with smaller kids!

Now it's time to play chess against Ulrika! I'm so gonna win ^ ^ Tell ya'll later


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