A great Sunday

Haha, have a bit fun in my bed with my face mask! I just felt it was time to do one! Well, it was a week ago or something like that! And I haven't tried my new webcamera so had to do that too!
 1. I'm evil/mad. 2. Oops, what's that! 3. Hey ya'll! 4. Buuh!


Sorry, I think it's bedtime soon! I just need a shower and take this shit off! My day has been lovely. I walk all the way to Georgetown! I have sooooo burned those calories from the chocolate and chips from last night (unfortunately I ate the rest of the chocolate this evening! Damn!!!!) I had a great time with Julia at barns&nobels and also in Outlets or something like that! Saw the most beautiful dress but I need to loose before I buy it! Its a goal! NICE BAJS!

I was short on time and I had to bring Niina her Get well soon - card and a small present, so had to take the bus, but I went off two bus stops before so I could take a shortcut to Niina, but still, I've been walking for 1 hour and 20 min today! So super nice!

Well, my evening hasn't been to interesting. I was just bbs my kids :) Lovely Sunday!

The first Autumn Sunday

It really feels that the autumn is here, brr! It's about 65-70 degrees outside and it's grey outside.

I'm not sure I like the autumn..? In Sweden it's always so grey and cold and rainy, brr. But here it feels a bit different, I like it. Unfortunately the leafs are falling before the beautiful colors like yellow, red, soft brown have come out. It's a bit sad.

Today I'm thinking to had down to Niina, she's sick. I wanna give her something so she feels better. Idk yet what I wanna bring to her, I have to go to CVS first. Julia asked for a cafe date to, so see when K needs me this evening. I like to walk, so perhaps it's gonna be a day I will enjoy the autumn color and fresh smell after the rain...

But before I do anything, I have to take a shower (haha, get up from bed first maybe...), eat brunch and head off!

See ya later!

3 a.m.

Yes, that was the time I turned of my computer and turn off the lights. I got stuck infront of  Grey's Anatomy, season 1 and 2. I don't think I've been crying so much in a while. I feel a bit sensitive and cry for small things. Not infront of anyone but still. Movies, deffently a thing I cry infront. Well, sometimes it's like this.

I felt very relieved after. I think I like to cry as much as I like to smile, but crying is not accepted in the same why. If you cry you have to be sad, right? But I like to cry in a relief way and cry cus' I'm so happy!

Is it a bad thing for you to cry? Why?

The day is over

Well, yes, now has Saturday past and it's soon Sunday. Maybe time to go under the cover?

I picked up Julia and Ulrika and we had dinner at my house. It was really nice. I do like both of them ^^ So I had a lovely time. We ate some pie and also two different types of cakes to dessert. Unfortunately couldn't they stay to long so the rest of the evening have I spend infront of the computer, watching the the two first episodes of Heroes and writing a bit, listen to music and relaxed with candles. It's been a great Saturday.

Sometimes you just need some time alone and have the quiet around you. After all my illness and sprained ankle I'm pretty exhausted or not just being well. But I can say I'm a bit bored and hope for action tmrw and next week! :)

I think I'm gonna swing by Niina tmrw. She's sick :( The doctor thinks she has got the swine flu!

Frida - A friend forever&ever!

I have a lot of friends and every single one are special to me, but I have to tell you about Frida! Frida is one of my dearest friend in Sweden. I have just known her for 18 months but it feels like we always has been friends and have shared our life together. It was a friend to both of us (then!) and she invited us both down to her in Lund for a weekend and after that weekend, Frida has been my dearest sister I never got! Even though we went to the same class for two years, we never really talked so I'm so happy for the weekend in May last year. One of the best!

It's hard being so far away from a friend you love so much and have spend so much time together and been through so much. We have the same dreams, and we have the same passion, oh no! I wasn't suppose to start cry, but yeah! I miss her and I wish I lived a bit closer! But I do hope some day, we can live pretty close to each other!

She spend three weeks here in Washington during the summer, and before she left she gave this to me:  Friends are like stars. You can't always see them but You know they are there

 Unfortunately I dont see the stars pretty often but I know they are there and so is she. Be careful with you friends, they are worth so much!

When you feel appreciated!

Yesterday when I was done with my bbs for mini a, A gave me a bouquet with sunflowers and I felt so appreciated! I got so super happy! (Sorry, I haven't translated that part yet! tmrw perhaps!).

Just a small thing can make you so happy, that's just believable. I think the most thing about is that you feel that you are important and that you do something that matters. When I find my love out there, I hope he will show me in small things, that I do am something special for him ^^

The Hills season 6


But wouldn't it be better if MTV just cut it of after that LC, Whitney and Audrina Patridge (or are she staying?) left the series?

Well, yes, that's at lest what everyone is saying now. Kristin Cavallari has taken LC's place in the series and how do we feel about it? I indeed loved LC and it feels sad that she's not gonna be in the this season, but I would feel the same, you can't be in a serie all you life, you have to move on.

So how are this series gonna be without LC? Wonderful, good, bad or awful? I'm not sure I will follow it cus' I'm not a really big fan of Speidi (Heidi and Spencer). And I don't know anything about this Bitch as they call her, Kristin Cavallari (she looks really nice to me, are she really that awful?). She was in Laguna Beach and LC and she was not a big fan of each other, that's what I heard. So how will this turn out? Are Speidi planning to have a baby and how are there marriage? Maybe I should see one or two episodes before I choose not to continue to see The Hills!

Are you gonna follow the next season of The Hills? That do thinks gonna happen?

September 29, 2009

Good afternoon (Saturday 12:52 pm)

Yes, it's the most usually my host parents says to me during the weekends, when I get up to eat breakfast. The time is almost one and I'm sit still in bed. As I said before, I love my bed!

Right now I'm babysitting (kind of), cus' K had to go and do some grocery shopping and the kids refused to join. There will be a bit boring weather today, autumn weather has finally find it way to Washington. A bit cold i believe and just grey and rain, hmm, not weird I feel a bit tired! So I don't know what to do today. Ulrika was wondering if I want to go to IKEA, but I do not know. I want to leave the house and do something, but where would I go? With whom would I like to do something with? What would I like to do? I would certainly eat cheesecake! I'm not in the best sense of humor, so feel for console myself with eating something really really good - CHEESECAKE :| NOT GOOD...............

Unfortunately (Friday 11:25)

I never mad it to the yoga today, but it doesn't matter. I gonna meet Sam tonight, six half-seven so I'm gonna  for sure have my workout :) Let's just see when I'm done here.

I probably went down to Georgetown a bit later later than I had imagined, it still takes 30 40 min to get down to the embassy, but I went to AT&T today so now I can call and send text msg to all (except international calls) and everyone can call me (international) for free which is great (it's free for me)! This was a special offer from the guys from AT&T (that's not really out on the market yet)! Not only that, I even got ten U.S. dollars extra (They says its only during Sundays you get it, but Idk ;) !)

Now it will be a quick shower and fix myself and then head of down to Georgetown again to meet up with J and mini a. (I'm bbs today for mini a, which is nice nice!)


It's a wonderful Friday, I'm so superduperhappy ♥

In a hurry - yesterday 9:14

Today, in morning, it was a bit chaotic, because K had one car at the Embassy and the bike had a puncture. She had a morning meeting so she was a bit in a hurry so she had to take the car. That means that the kids and I hag to go to the school. I can tell you, it was no happy faces on the kids, but was so super nice to walk there! It toke 2 minutes for the kids to have happy faces again. It's quite cold outside now, and a little bit rainy. Can it get better (yes, 35 degrees, sun and  beach =))?

Now I'm thinking to get down to the Embassy to pick up one of the cars and head to a yoga class!

Hej Svejs!


Well, today it's been a bit of bad updates here on this page, but I do promise that I'll translate everything I've been writing today on the swedish blog. Now I'm to tired and annoyed so I just wants to go bed!

Goodnight America, good morning Sweden.

Kids and blood!

I can tell you, it's not a good combination! The other night, when I was bbs for my kids an accident happen. A kicked N, and he got a small scratch and blood appeared - Oh NO, I thought! It would be an other thing if A started to bleed, it wouldn't been a big thing, but it was N and it became a huge thing. Tears, screams and yelling! Wow, I was so surprised but I am who I am and really don't think these kids are babies so I said no to a bandage. I'm not sure if I did the right thing, if I'm gonna be honest. But I do know, that I would never be able to do such a scene in front of my parents. Even if I'm only 14 years older then N, we have so different childhoods. Even though I'm a bit jealous of them, I'm really proud over my parents and I adore these parents of N and A. I feel a bit split, but anyway, back to the blood scene.

I know for sure, that is not meant for boys or men to bleed. It's not a good sign. Girls and woman, we can somehow manage it, mostly because we have our period. So I know for sure, next time blood, even from the smallest scratch, I will put on a bandage!

Congratulations Mama!

Today is your day, Mama!

Unfortunately, I can't celebrate it with you, but I do think about you over here, in America! I hope you have the best day, cus' you are so worth it! You know I send you two cards, so you can have one at your office and one at home, so you definitely know that I'm thinking of you and that I'm proud of you and all you done!


Happy Birthday


I feel a bit bad! I'm still in bed!!! Yes, and the time is ....... 1:10 pm! gah, this is not good, believe me. Idk why it's like this. This whole week (except Tuesday) I've been taking naps, but never like today. Well, I woke up at 12:10 but I usually goes up directly but not today! Maybe I'm sick again? Or hopefully it's just the training that is killing me. Unexpected, I'm not so sore today, which is lovely for me, but I guess after my training session with Sam tmrw, I'm not gonna say a pip about training during the whole weekend, haha!

I should go up and make something to eat and DRINK, I'm so thirsty and give my mom a call. It's her birthday today! :)


... is the best session I EVER have had! I love it! Why haven't I been on them before? A half of a year?!?! Gah, stupid me!

Well, if you haven't tried it, and you have zumba close to you, try it out! It's a girls dream! Well, at least for me and I have a wonderful trainer! I dont know her name but she's great! Haha!

The dance? Well, you shake your butt like never before. And no defense, but dark people, they now how to shake that thing! For real...! I did my best and I'm gonna be so sour tmrw, I can tell you that for sure already tonight!

The thing with the whole thing tonight, was that Sam (gah!) just had to take a look. Not the best thing to do when CL is doing her thing. I got a bit mad and I'm sure gonna kick his ass on Friday, when we have our session again. Litterly - cus' we have kickboxing ;)

Well, time for shower, I do not smell good, but I feel good!

BTW - The other trainer wasn't there so I couldn't say anything, but I talked to Alex :] That did my whole night! Haha I like the guys at my gym! I go to the gym happy, I leave happy - I'm happy all the time (almost!)!

Stress stress stress!

Yes, all day has been with stress stress stress. Or no, that's a lie. I was so fretful this morning and I got an allergic reaction all over my body, so I had to take my allergy pills and went back to bed again. Slept until 11.30, so two more hours! Not entirely wrong with sleep!

Then was it lunch with Monica in Bethesda, like always, really nice, I must confess! We ate in a thai restaurant, but it will be removed from my body tonight, when I have my first Zumba, my first lesson! Really nervous but in a  positive way, of course!

I'm gonna quickly change clothes and then set up the kitchen, run up to the school and let the kids play to five, then head of to Ulrika. We're invited to dinner there this evening. Yummy!!

Take care..

I have to send congratulations to my sister first! Have a wonderful day Alexandra (more will come later, as you know ... ... haha)

Where is the power?

I really thought that tonight, tonight is the night that I have the power to just write and write about everything. Well, I was mistaken. It's not good to bbs my kids, cus' I just fall asleep with them and then I'm so tired and now I'm really sore and just wanna put myself under the cover, and sleep sleep sleep!

So this is it for tonight, maybe I have some time to tmrw to write a few things that have happen, like kids with blood, the picnic, put up some pictures, and a few thoughts that I'm thinking of. Well, lets see what gonna happen tmrw. I feel already a bit busy...!

Goodnight America, good morning (soon) Sweden!

I'm in great pain!

Or not. Well, I'm in pain for sure. Every little muscle on me hurts. I have totally forgot how it felt after a session with Sam. Hmm, I didn't throw up afterwards, which is really a good thing.

As my plan is to workout every day feels now like a bit of a challenge, but I know I can do it. Of course I can. Positive thinking, as Vanessa always says ;) And I'm gonna keep up, until the day I die! Or at least until I leaves the States.

I went to yoga class to day, and never - NEVER EVER(!!) underestimate the power of yoga! I believe many guys particularly are laughing at it, but indeed, it makes our muscles hurt. I had the most awesome teacher as well. He was all dressed in white (and I came in black clothes, hehe!), a funny white beard and some kind of turban. I looked so holy to me...! I like it - a lot.

Well, everything is not perfect at the gym, if I might admit it. There is a awkward tension between a trainer and I. Hmm, what should I do? Vanessa thinks it's up to be to at least say Hi, so if I meet the trainer tmrw in the evening I'll def say something!        

I got the courage to do it! I'm not a namby-pamby ;)

Good morning, good morning

I feel pretty good today, happy and shine like a sun! Well, this is me :) But I do feel a bit sore in my ankle but it fine though. Today the yoga starts pretty early, 9:15, so it's just to leave the kids by the school and then head to the gym. I hope I can make it :)

The gym!

Oh, the gym is so my second home in this land! I love it. I love the people there, I love the spirit, I love everything within it!

I was a bit unsure about it today. Well, I have to tell you that, under my 11 weeks of summer vacation, I went there three times - THREE TIMES! It's just so unbelievable stupid! And then I got sick and also sprained my ankle, wow, can it be any better? NO...!

But well, now I'm back in business and Sam, my PT (personal trainer), was a bit soft on me, hehe! It's good we can take it easy and we have to now with my foot, but when it feel better, it def gonna be harder, wie! 

My week its gonna be like this:
* Monday - PF half an hour + an half an hour cardio
* Tuesday - Yoga + cardio
* Wednesday - Zomba + cardio ( can't really believe how I'm looking forward to this day!!)
* Thursday - ? don't know yet, a walk or doing cardio at the gym, maybe even spinning class!
* Friday - PT (kickboxing - me like) + half an hour cardio.

I think that my training week is gonna look like this the most. Which sounds awesome to me :) Now it's only the routine with food that has to change ;)

13 weeks to go!

Oh by the way, when I was back in Sweden I bought a birthday present to Sam and I asked him if I was aloud to give him something and of course the answer was - YES, give it to me ;) Sam Sam, what can I say? He didn't even read the card first...! Well is a guy.

I gave him a beer glass from a famous artist in Sweden - Lasse Aberg. I think he liked it :)

My relationship with Sam, haha, yes how can I say? It a bit weird :P


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