Weekend! (12:45)

Is there anything better than weekends? I can hardly believe that, even though Wednesdays and Fridays are wonderful!

Many people think that I lie and sleep the whole day but the truth is that I just stays in my bed with my lap or read some book. I just love staying in my bed! I hear my host family on the first level, but I just hear their sounds and enjoy them. It's a really safe sound for me to hear them. Even though I don't listen to what they are doing or talking about, I let their sound join everything other sound around and just enjoy. The whole feeling is just : Yes, now it's weekend again.

However, I have a bad habit not get ready until twelve, even one two in the afternoon, but its the weekend - cus' the weekend is my time. It's so nice to not have any requirements on a weekend. You should just know how much I hate having to go up and do something early on a weekend, gah!

I just love the weekends!


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