My foot!

Yes, I managed to fall asleep last night but woke a several times but I have knocked my foot several times on everything! I just love to lie on my stomach when I sleep, but I could hardly do it now when my foot is like this!

This is how it looked like yesterday - pain!

Well we didn't have any bandages so theice cubes in a plastic bag and then a scarf hard twisted around my ankle. It was good enough for the night.

M bought bandages and this is how the foot looks like now!

Today it will be to lie in bed with the foot high up, reading a book or see the movie. It'll probably be several sections of True Blood :)

HOLY SHIT! (Sunday 8/12)

Yes now can I def use those ugly words! Everything is fucking with me, unbelievable! When I finally feeling better after my cold ( the cough is minimal) and what is the most stupidest thing to do?????

Well you walk on a foot when it is sleeping - COMPLETELY!!! What can happen? Well, sprain it of course. Gah, it hurts so fucking much. DAMN! My ankle is tree times bigger than it's use to be! Luckily, my BBS night had end and K and M had come home, when I almost knocked down the entire upper floor! K came o helped me. Thank God! Shit, I was so near to faint and throw up! Ugh, it was soooo horrible experience!

K told me to but ice around my ankle and tight something really tight and have it high position! Well, lets see how this will look tmrw! I thought I could train tmrw - FUCK ALL THIS SHIT!

I'm sorry

Well, that's the thing I can say for being such a bad as in this blog! Well, all I can say: it's been a rufe time lately and now it's time to update for you too :)


I'm in such a pain!! :( I'm doing the painkillers .....

Yesterday evening 21:38

Right now I am BBS for "a model". It is always a nice to baby-sit, especially for other kids, I do not really know why. Here, in this house / apartment, I enjoy so much, so it makes it even better. It is terribly easy to put "a model" to bed. We played a lot, read a few books, then it was the paper and put the pajamas o diaper change. Finally, as he curl up in my arms and we sit down in his little reading corner in ice room and he drinks his nap while I was reading a bedtime story. (Oops, I forgot to say, of course, it is very important that his two special cuddly toys are with us when we are reading ..!) Then, just to put him to bed, say goodnight and turn off the light. You sit outside on the stairs for a minute and answer him if he Mumbles something. As I said, it was great, so I was just got one mumble question.

Now I sit down with some music on my computer and written little for my blog. I've prepared some "words of wisdom" pictures so now I am a bit before. You never know if something comes up so that you do not have time to do them, but I have promised myself that I should write them. In this way, I read them and get a little eye-opener!

I love Wednesdays

I really love Wednesdays. Half the job week is gone and soon the weekend will be here and I love the weekends! Most of all, I love the weekends, it cus' that's the time you can sleep in as long as you want to (and need!). It's another thing I love about Wednesdays, they go so damn fast. Its'so much easier when the day is already planned.

As usual, so I work in the morning and today I worked a little extra so that I was finished with the dinner. Then I was off for and hour or so and a little bit before 1 o'clock I headed to "a little". I asked the "Big A" today how old he is and he is 20 months. It's not a bad age. Immediately after the BBS I went to the school to fetch my kids and headed home to have a snack.

Half past five, the three of us, north, my A and I find ourselves at a music school in Bethesda (I'm really jealous about the kids teacher! They are so good!), Which means quiet time for myself for Half an hour plus one quarterback. M is usually home around five so he could fix the last things for dinner, which was, boil the pasta.

For some strange reason the children getcrazy on the Wednesday afternoon. Practically after music school, their musical side are more present than usual!

And the food was super yummy;)

Words Of Wisdom nr 6

We all do some mistakes sometimes. Just bite it and keep up with the good work!


... I usually stay in bed until now, fully rested and a little cozy, but that's not possible when working during the week! I personally feel that jobs which starts early so you have to put your alarm clock before seven should to be forbidden! And before sex? Noway! I am indeed not a morning person and I really love to lie in bed looong in the morning and staying up later on the night! 

This morning was an amazing morning in fact. Both children had hot lunch so it was so luxury for me. Just get a little snack o water for them and then drive them to school! We so should have it like this every day. The good thing is - its just the same tmrw too! I will really enjoy!

Since I will soon gonna head over to "large A" and bbs for "little a", I took the opportunity to prepare dinner for tonight. I'll baby-sit there tonight too and must be on my way at ten to seven, so it's good if you have some dinner in your belly. We usually eat dinner at six half-seven, depending on when K comes home. And Wednesdays are general a bit stressful, cus' the children has music school at half five in Bethesda and we not tend to be home before five forty-five... So instead of stress later I took the opportunity to buy a little bit of food (made a fool of myself again in the store  - lol terrible!) and did Chicken in tomato sauce. It is just to boil the pasta when we get home o heat on chicken a bit.

Daily dish: Chicken in tomato sauce served with pasta salad o. Yum!

The beginning in english

Vilma was here before and I told her that I had prepared my homepage to my blog the whole day and I how proud I was over it. She told me that she sometimes try to read my swedish blog but it was pretty hard to keep up with it. Since I started my swedish blog (when I moved to the States), I also have had an english blog but has never taken me time to write in it. But now, not many weeks left until I might have to go back home to Sweden I think it's time to start.

It will be interesting to see if there are any english-speaking friends of mine who will read this blog. Perhaps there are a few swedish too ;)

                       Good morning Sweden, good night America!

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