My weekend plans! (12:48)

Now that I have weekend off and all I might just have a couple of weekends left in the States, I really need to do the most of them and not only remain relaxing in my bed - even though it's so amazingly nice...!

This weekend will be nothing special. Well, today I'll go to my first English course which starts at 2 pm. I'm going there with Niina, then I'm gonna meet Julia and head to a Cafe down in Georgetown and sit by the river. It is the most beautiful place here for me. 

I thought that when my cold is gone and also the cough, it would be so nice to go out again and party with my friends, but no no! I'll have to take it a bit quiet. As many know, my foot is not the finest in the world (if it ever were, haha) My foot is really hard sprained and I can't really party with it, it's gonna be a calm evening with some movie. So when I can't go out, I can let some other have some fun - my host parents and also mini a's parents. Its after dark at the house of Sweden, the most lovely party thing here ever! (But well, next time it's my turn!) So on my evening night, I'm also gonna bbs, which is just fine for me :)

Tomorrow, it maybe will be picnic with the girls and I can't wait to it! Really believe it will be super fun.

Oh shiiit, the time has now run away from me - AGAIN! Need to jump in to the shower, then eat something fast since I'm going to go to LADO for English course.


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