Super happy!

My entire day has been wonderful:)

First of all my new computer, as I told before, met Niina at Starbucks but the thing that's has make me super happy today is that I talked with Sam! Sam, my personal trainer. I talk about my situation and my maybe sounded a little bit desperate, to start exercising again, but as I said, I should probably take it easy with my foot! But we decided to meet at the gym on Monday at half past seven :) We're gonna look at my foot, how to upload my training schedule and diet;) Ugh, I look like a pig, haha!

Barely four months left (although I actually believe I can stay until the summer ^^) and it's now time to workout like hell and the money will fly. It is now I can get a kick start and if I have to go home to Sweden, I'll certainly continue with my workout. I know my goal and how I can get it! Now I also have something to contend with also, my sister's wedding! So glad that she got engaged. I hope that they will choose a date for the wedding. I think Veronica is a bit religious and will get married within a year after the engagement, so say a year from now to become the second most beautiful in her wedding;)

What is the best available in life?
To smile - LARGE
(and of course music)


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