
... I usually stay in bed until now, fully rested and a little cozy, but that's not possible when working during the week! I personally feel that jobs which starts early so you have to put your alarm clock before seven should to be forbidden! And before sex? Noway! I am indeed not a morning person and I really love to lie in bed looong in the morning and staying up later on the night! 

This morning was an amazing morning in fact. Both children had hot lunch so it was so luxury for me. Just get a little snack o water for them and then drive them to school! We so should have it like this every day. The good thing is - its just the same tmrw too! I will really enjoy!

Since I will soon gonna head over to "large A" and bbs for "little a", I took the opportunity to prepare dinner for tonight. I'll baby-sit there tonight too and must be on my way at ten to seven, so it's good if you have some dinner in your belly. We usually eat dinner at six half-seven, depending on when K comes home. And Wednesdays are general a bit stressful, cus' the children has music school at half five in Bethesda and we not tend to be home before five forty-five... So instead of stress later I took the opportunity to buy a little bit of food (made a fool of myself again in the store  - lol terrible!) and did Chicken in tomato sauce. It is just to boil the pasta when we get home o heat on chicken a bit.

Daily dish: Chicken in tomato sauce served with pasta salad o. Yum!


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