I love Wednesdays

I really love Wednesdays. Half the job week is gone and soon the weekend will be here and I love the weekends! Most of all, I love the weekends, it cus' that's the time you can sleep in as long as you want to (and need!). It's another thing I love about Wednesdays, they go so damn fast. Its'so much easier when the day is already planned.

As usual, so I work in the morning and today I worked a little extra so that I was finished with the dinner. Then I was off for and hour or so and a little bit before 1 o'clock I headed to "a little". I asked the "Big A" today how old he is and he is 20 months. It's not a bad age. Immediately after the BBS I went to the school to fetch my kids and headed home to have a snack.

Half past five, the three of us, north, my A and I find ourselves at a music school in Bethesda (I'm really jealous about the kids teacher! They are so good!), Which means quiet time for myself for Half an hour plus one quarterback. M is usually home around five so he could fix the last things for dinner, which was, boil the pasta.

For some strange reason the children getcrazy on the Wednesday afternoon. Practically after music school, their musical side are more present than usual!

And the food was super yummy;)


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