
... is the best session I EVER have had! I love it! Why haven't I been on them before? A half of a year?!?! Gah, stupid me!

Well, if you haven't tried it, and you have zumba close to you, try it out! It's a girls dream! Well, at least for me and I have a wonderful trainer! I dont know her name but she's great! Haha!

The dance? Well, you shake your butt like never before. And no defense, but dark people, they now how to shake that thing! For real...! I did my best and I'm gonna be so sour tmrw, I can tell you that for sure already tonight!

The thing with the whole thing tonight, was that Sam (gah!) just had to take a look. Not the best thing to do when CL is doing her thing. I got a bit mad and I'm sure gonna kick his ass on Friday, when we have our session again. Litterly - cus' we have kickboxing ;)

Well, time for shower, I do not smell good, but I feel good!

BTW - The other trainer wasn't there so I couldn't say anything, but I talked to Alex :] That did my whole night! Haha I like the guys at my gym! I go to the gym happy, I leave happy - I'm happy all the time (almost!)!


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