The first Autumn Sunday

It really feels that the autumn is here, brr! It's about 65-70 degrees outside and it's grey outside.

I'm not sure I like the autumn..? In Sweden it's always so grey and cold and rainy, brr. But here it feels a bit different, I like it. Unfortunately the leafs are falling before the beautiful colors like yellow, red, soft brown have come out. It's a bit sad.

Today I'm thinking to had down to Niina, she's sick. I wanna give her something so she feels better. Idk yet what I wanna bring to her, I have to go to CVS first. Julia asked for a cafe date to, so see when K needs me this evening. I like to walk, so perhaps it's gonna be a day I will enjoy the autumn color and fresh smell after the rain...

But before I do anything, I have to take a shower (haha, get up from bed first maybe...), eat brunch and head off!

See ya later!


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