The day is over

Well, yes, now has Saturday past and it's soon Sunday. Maybe time to go under the cover?

I picked up Julia and Ulrika and we had dinner at my house. It was really nice. I do like both of them ^^ So I had a lovely time. We ate some pie and also two different types of cakes to dessert. Unfortunately couldn't they stay to long so the rest of the evening have I spend infront of the computer, watching the the two first episodes of Heroes and writing a bit, listen to music and relaxed with candles. It's been a great Saturday.

Sometimes you just need some time alone and have the quiet around you. After all my illness and sprained ankle I'm pretty exhausted or not just being well. But I can say I'm a bit bored and hope for action tmrw and next week! :)

I think I'm gonna swing by Niina tmrw. She's sick :( The doctor thinks she has got the swine flu!


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