Stress stress stress!

Yes, all day has been with stress stress stress. Or no, that's a lie. I was so fretful this morning and I got an allergic reaction all over my body, so I had to take my allergy pills and went back to bed again. Slept until 11.30, so two more hours! Not entirely wrong with sleep!

Then was it lunch with Monica in Bethesda, like always, really nice, I must confess! We ate in a thai restaurant, but it will be removed from my body tonight, when I have my first Zumba, my first lesson! Really nervous but in a  positive way, of course!

I'm gonna quickly change clothes and then set up the kitchen, run up to the school and let the kids play to five, then head of to Ulrika. We're invited to dinner there this evening. Yummy!!

Take care..

I have to send congratulations to my sister first! Have a wonderful day Alexandra (more will come later, as you know ... ... haha)


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