A great Sunday

Haha, have a bit fun in my bed with my face mask! I just felt it was time to do one! Well, it was a week ago or something like that! And I haven't tried my new webcamera so had to do that too!
 1. I'm evil/mad. 2. Oops, what's that! 3. Hey ya'll! 4. Buuh!


Sorry, I think it's bedtime soon! I just need a shower and take this shit off! My day has been lovely. I walk all the way to Georgetown! I have sooooo burned those calories from the chocolate and chips from last night (unfortunately I ate the rest of the chocolate this evening! Damn!!!!) I had a great time with Julia at barns&nobels and also in Outlets or something like that! Saw the most beautiful dress but I need to loose before I buy it! Its a goal! NICE BAJS!

I was short on time and I had to bring Niina her Get well soon - card and a small present, so had to take the bus, but I went off two bus stops before so I could take a shortcut to Niina, but still, I've been walking for 1 hour and 20 min today! So super nice!

Well, my evening hasn't been to interesting. I was just bbs my kids :) Lovely Sunday!


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